Our Quality Policy

JERASA Metal Works LLC defines the quality by our customers. The direct measure of how well we are giving service on our quality commitment is the degree to which we meet our customers’ requirements and exceed their expectations. Our customers’ success is the most important factor in our long-term success. All customers’ complaints and information are monitored and measure our responsiveness time to resolution with content emphasis on continuous improvement.

JERASA Metal Works LLC design, supply, installation, and maintenance of all the available technicalworks.

JERASA Metal Works LLC designs, builds and operates all types of technicalworksthat related to construction of any kind of project. Aluminum, Flooring, Ceiling and Gypsum worksare specific products that determine the best technical solutions. Site access, location and construction schedule are also important issues for consideration.

JERASA Metal Works LLC do believe that the key to successful tecnicalwork is reliable and personalized products and service. Great care is taken to satisfy the contractors specific needs, develop the proper system for the exact site conditions and maintaining a reliable operation until the project completed.